The Hindu Crossword #8542 - 4th Mar 2006

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1 C__ deludes others: it's all remote and shut off (8) SECLUDED [Anag of C + DELUDES]

6 Centre kicks up some walk (4) TREK [Hidden Clue - cenTRE Kicks]

9 Time parent goes to the specialist department (6) MOMENT [MOM (Parent) + ENT (Specialist Dept)]

10 Cleverly I re-used what was left behind (7) RESIDUE [Anag of I RE USED]

13 Kind of hospital where deliveries are taken care of (9) OBSTETRIC [Direct Clue]

14 The medical man is behind the sketch (5) DRAFT [DR(Medical Man) + AFTer(Behind)]

15 Piece of cake — that's soft (4) EASY [Double Definition]

16 Effect a get-together with a particular pupil? (4,3,3) MEET THE EYE [Kind of Direct Clue]

19 As experienced by the unlucky sick person? (3-7) ILL FORTUNE [Direct Clue]

21 Projectiles captured from Mizoram motorcade (4) AMMO [Hidden Clue - mizorAM MOtorcade]

24 Solution the journalist identified (5) KEYED [KEY (Solution) + EDitor(Journalist)]

25 In this place 100 once went around with unity (9) COHERENCE [Anag of HERE(In this place + C(100) + ONCE)]

26 Beg the Bengali not to start an indulgence (7) ENTREAT [sEN (Bengali not started + TREAT (Indulgence))]

27 Everything good about the learner? (6) NOVICE [Double Definition - NO VICE(Everything good)]

28 Look at a big number for the starting point (4) SEED [SEE(Look) + D(Big Roman Number)]

29 Cautiously uses married men (8) HUSBANDS [CVasi : Cautiously uses - husbands (as in 'to husband the resources')married men - such as you and me!]


2 They don't think much of others (7) EGOISTS [Direct Clue]

3 The general, embarrassed, looked obliquely (6) LEERED [General LEE + RED(Embarassed)]

4 Block soap no good but right enough (9) DETERRENT [CVasi : Actually it is substitution clue.Take 'detergent' and in it use R instead of GNow for details - Block - def for req word DETERRENTsoap - detergentno good - delete G from 'detergent'but - connectorright enough - sub. R for GYou get DETERRENT]

5 Guy, rising, in charge of architectural order (5) DORIC [Anag of ROD + IC, Someone Explain??]

7 A princess in charge may beam (7) RADIATE [CVasi : Container/contained clueA - Aprincess _ Di 9for Diana)in - containercharge - (n.) RATEmay - connectorbeam - (v.) RADIATE]

8 Was conversant with details of operation: somehow whets keen PRO (4,3,5) KNEW THE ROPES [Anag of WHETS KEEN PRO]

11 System of medicine, faddish, not starting to show results (6) SIDDHA [Anag of fADDISH (not starting so no F)]

12 Nostalgia: dosen't one get it in a hospital? (4,8) HOME SICKNESS [Direct Clue??]

17 Child labour? (4,5) TINY HANDS [Direct Clue]

18 Not bad, that is a treat (6) GOODIE [Not bad is GOOD + I.E. is that is]

20 Outfit for newborn infant still in delayed transit (7) LAYETTE [Delayed is LATE and still is YET so LA YET TE]

22 Threatened people on one spot to a degree (7) MENACED [MEN(people) + ACE(Spot) + D(degree)]

23 Finer points about four in unending ordeal (6) TRIVIA [ordeal is TRIAL, unending would make it TRIA and four in roman numerals is IV so IV in TRIA would give us TRIVIA - My Clue of the Day]

25 Grab Tom in church (5) CATCH [Tom- CAT + CH - Church]

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