The Hindu Crossword #8535 - 23rd Feb 2006

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1 He offers protection for a dignitary, may be (9) BODYGUARD [Straight clue, looks like its the same constructor as yesterday]

5 Fling oneself about (4) TOSS [Straight Clue]

8 Hotel found in natural surroundings (3) INN [Hidden clue - IN Natural]

9 Yielding up of rights to a property may be (7) CESSION [Straight Clue??]

10 Proclaim and make public (3) AIR [Double Definition]

11 Without inherent power of action (5) INERT [Straight clue ]

12 How Aladdin's genie worked (9) MAGICALLY [Straight clue]

13 Liven up and revitalise (7) FRESHEN [Double Definition]

15 Be indignant and foamed at the mouth (6) BOILED [Explain please]

17 Old fashioned and dowdily dressed (6) FRUMPY [Guess thats the word for it - Straight Clue]

18 What's left is the wrong side in a way (7) RESIDUE [Anag of RUE(Wrong) and SIDE]

21 Get rid of the bird in the select group (9) ELIMINATE [The bird here is MINA and select group is ELITE so they form ELI mina TE]

22 Raise up to place high in rank (5) EXALT [Straight Clue??]

24 Twenty-second Greek letter (3) CHI [Straight Clue]

25 Capes that cover shoulders (7) TIPPETS [I guess these are worn to cover the shoulders]

26 Expanse that encloses the continents (3) SEA [Straight Clue]

27 One remarkable person (4) ONER [Hidden Clue??]

28 Illegal extraction of money (9) EXTORTION [Straight Clue]


1 Official in court of law (7) BAILIFF [Straight Clue]

2 Lively rhythmic steps to music (5) DANCE [Straight and ridiculously non-cryptic]

3 Taking much upon oneself (8) ASSUMING [Straight Clue??]

4 Actions for things needed (6) DOINGS [Straight Clue??]

5 Persistence developed by countess in sea (13) TENACIOUSNESS [Anagram of COUNTESS IN SEA]

6 Steady fellow known to nag in the stalls (6,3) STABLE LAD [Looks like a Straight Clue]

7 Appealed to higher authority? (6) PRAYED [Straight Clue]

9 Cast off artist is not to be recognised (3,3,7) CUT THE PAINTER [Guess its an expression]

14 Remarkable learning (9) ERUDITION [Guess thats the meaning for ERUDITION]

16 Most concise in expression (8) BRIEFEST [Straight again]

17 Defraud money or property (6) FLEECE [Just Guessing]

19 Go on a journey by rail (7) ENTRAIN [Straight Clue]

20 Taste and see (6) SAMPLE [Looks like a Straight Clue]

23 Fullest sense in music (5) ASSAI [Straight Clue]

Footnote : I wonder who the Constructor is for the last couple of days. I hope its not what Mr Garcia ordered as a change in the Newspaper.

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