1 There is nothing ordinary in such cinema technique (7,7) P[]
8 Score less than a hundred (6) P[]
9 Man of religion who advises on behaviour (8) P[]
11 Killer of Boston, an alien holding student (9) P[]
12 Eastern ruler is making the supply last (5) P[]
13 Getting close to earning a change (7) P[]
15 Would a C.O. mind becoming itinerant? (7) P[]
17 Shade for a representative in some degree (7) P[]
19 Beneficiary under a policy (7) P[]
21 Ring back around one for flower (5) P[]
23 Where one studied in Latin (4,5) P[]
25 Worn out by direct physical exercise, oddly (8) P[]
26 One of several English kings involved in an antiquated war dance (6) P[]
27 With a dark glance, a dog ran, suggestive of intrigue (5-3-6) P[]
1 Top cover — let it stand, boy! (7) P[]
2 Avid, like the beaver? (5) P[]
3 The purpose in stress, say (9) P[]
4 Serve as a herald with a warning and flee (7) P[]
5 Small latitude in Eastern Europe to fill with exhilaration (5) P[]
6 Revenue official who had trails altered (9) P[]
7 Cheroot thrown up after little time — appalling (6) P[]
10 A bullet for the mollusc (4) P[]
14 Mutation of Gail, clean and like a celestial being (9) P[]
16 Stupid creature, male, in means of mass communication — press, TV, etc. (4,5) P[]
17 Disease a boy got in a month (6) P[]
18 Aibara caught mixing a kind of coffee (7) P[]
19 The culminating point for an expert swallowing a bit of marjoram (4) P[]
20 One who ridicules notes on proviso (7) P[]
22 Each learner turns into a disciple in India (5) P[]
24 Strum the guitar perhaps (5) P[]
1 Rejecting sin in limited measure leads to timely improvement (13) []
8 Single pawn broker apparently carries little weight (7) []
9 Get no rest at an ancient city on the Nile (7) []
11 Henry takes beer into Connecticut holiday home (6) []
13 Hides novels in quarter as ordered (8) []
15 Seen to possibly five hundred necessities (5) []
16 Five arrange quarter in proximity of Nile, to bring cheer (7) []
18 Item of furniture you won't find in a nudist camp? (7) []
19 Instruct the undertaker in plain terms (5) []
21 He cultivates a Shakespearean forest in Germany (8) []
23 Occupant, one camping? (6) []
25 The main overseer has this in hand (7) []
26 Snatched a momentary view (7) []
28 Kind of lettuce most relished (6-7) []
2 A poet in some confusion about the queen's function (7) []
3 The object aimed at was to alter the den (3) []
4 Lightship without an engineer (4) []
5 They'll put the squeeze on many among the aliens (10) []
6 Lawrence sat around to experience the beauty (5) []
7 Like an overcoat which has seen better days (7) []
8 Another view of clairvoyance (6,5) []
10 Silly woman scolded and swore (11) []
12 Possibly she is on the eastern part of the isle (5) []
14 Correspondence from all quarters (10) []
17 Love to have a thin material (5) []
18 Come and rid the building of rats (7) []
20 Portion of shares for Henry — to cater to new development (7) []
22 In order to improve Ted accepts people to remove any blemish (5) []
24 No member crazy to stare impertinently (4) []
27 Assume an affectation of superiority (3) []
1 Catch work, so it is rumoured (7) HEARSAY [This clue was solved in the Orkut community: Hindu/ET Crossword Solutions but there too the anno went abegging. A co-owner and moderator of that group, I didn't quite apply my mind to it, but since there is a specific query here I put on my thinking cap and here we go!
I suspect there might be a typo there. Catch work, so it is rumoured
Catch - hear (as in "Do you catch me?" meaning "Did you hear what I said?") work - explanation withheld so it's rumoured - def for reqd word HEARSAY. So far so good.
If we use "word" instead of "work" in the clue above, it leads to SAY. As in "She's had her say" meaning "She has said her word". So I guess the clue should have been
Catch word, so it is rumoured - Chaturvasi]
5 Grave expression of appreciation (7) EPITAPH []
10 Out building built on late, possibly (4,2) LEAN TO []
11 Ten cents sent round as a deposit (8) SEDIMENT []
12 The girl in the rose garden is enchanted by it (6) DENISE []
13 Jelly for two silver-headed artists (4,4) AGAR AGAR []
14 English conks out with the French reversing (6) DIESEL []
15 Good man with practical skills, begins to work (6) STARTS []
18 Adopt a position on a point of view (6) STANCE []
20 Elder in rose arrangement (6) SENIOR []
23 It is not above a sailor to bowl thus (8) UNDERARM []
25 A carnival on in NE Spain (6) ARAGON []
26 Cheat the folk present (8) DONATION []
27 Draw forth that which the priest cited (6) ELICIT []
28 Made for confusion in female leaders (7) HEADMEN []
29 Agreeing to make up for deficiencies (7) ATONING []
2 The Spanish even supply a cricket team (6) ELEVEN []
3 Tired in no way with the performance (9) RENDITION []
4 Improper first orders issued to worshippers (7) ADORERS []
6 Money deals they make on road, on sale of small selected goods (7) PEDLARS []
7 Early morning Pat visits a southern USA port (5) TAMPA []
8 Hangers for underwear — that's about the end! (8) PENDANTS []
9 Household word for the privileged classes (13) ESTABLISHMENT []
16 Love getting an allowance after some trouble (9) ADORATION []
17 Phaeton's parts used to make another carriage (8) STANHOPE []
19 Look closely at an old explosive charge (7) EXAMINE []
21 Eastern eccentric, close as can be (7) NEAREST []
22 Isn't one to get on but has the idea (6) NOTION []
24 Point to land as arranged in S.Africa is for an animal (5) ELAND []
1 Do at this place (4,4) SAME HERE [As in DITTO]
5 Maintenance in a State fort (6) UPKEEP [CVasi : State - U.P.fort - keep ( see Dictionary)Maintenance - def ]
9 Following points go to actioning (7) ENSUING [CVasi : Following - defpoints - E Ngo to - connectoractioning - suing (going to court)]
10 So-so bit dished out by instrument players (7) OBOISTS [Anag of SO SO BIT]
11 Our sailors and detectives knock off the top of a barrier in a happening (9) INCIDENCE [IN(Indian Navy) + CID(detectives) + FENCE(Barrier) - F(top of the barrier) - CLUE OF THE DAY??
12 For example, about to observe retreating birds (5) GEESE [For example is EG and to observe is SEE. Anag of EG & SEE]
13 General is back: first to see slippery characters (4) EELS [General is LEE and back becomes EEL characters makes it plural]
14 Humiliation in a subterranean vault (9) ABASEMENT [A + BASEMENT]
17 A little something recollected in sea song (9) SEASONING?? [wild guess, anag of in sea song]
19 Spots champions (4) ACES??
23 In Kulittalai, famous come-back of a crime syndicate (5) MAFIA [Direct Clue??]
24 The newspaper without the supplements (4,5) MAIN ISSUE [Direct Clue]
25 It often upholds an address (7) LECTERN [Direct Clue?? Explain please??]
26 Four collect way-out stories on art objects (7) IVORIES?? [CVasi : Four - IV way-out stories - 'stories' from which ST (street, 'way') is removedart objects - def ]
27 Oppose wayward sister (6) RESIST [Anag of SISTER wayward is the Anag indicator]
28 Having an occupation (8) TENANTED [Direct Clue]
1 Al leaves Special Staff, for example (8) SPECIMEN [AL leaves SPECI AL MEN]
2 Some ignoramus I called to a kind of film (7) MUSICAL [Hidden Clue - ignoraMUS I CALled - what is the indicator here though??]
3 Heady arrangement? (6) HAIRDO [Direct Clue]
4 Damn! Nag, bear no pieces to the junk-dealer (3-3-4-3) RAG AND BONE MAN [Anag of DAMN NAG BEAR NO]
6 This won't make you a champion in field (4,4) POOR GAME ?? [Explain please??]
7 Direction in which former bowler's bird appears (7) EASTERN [CVasi : Direction - def for reqd word easternformer bowler - EAS (ref. to EAS Prasanna, former test cricketer)bird - tern]
8 Bill, the message writer (6) POSTER [CVasi : two def Bill - poster as in 'billboard' message writer - one who writes - one who posts - poster ]
10 Easily upset, it revives one's writhing (13) OVERSENSITIVE [Anag of IT REVIVES ONES]
15 Jailbirds who have freed themselves, perhaps (8) ESCAPEES [Direct Clue]
16 Foolish people the southern journalist evaluated (8) ASSESSED [ASS is foolish, ED is editor aka journalist]
18 Brings about cinematic devices (7) EFFECTS [Double Definition]
20 I cuss at wicked logician (7) CASUIST [Anag of I CUSS AT]
21 One who beams at you may be a southern athlete (6) SMILER [S + MILER]
22 North Indian drink to a girl (6) NICOLA [North Indian (NI) + COLA(drink)]
1 C__ deludes others: it's all remote and shut off (8) SECLUDED [Anag of C + DELUDES]
6 Centre kicks up some walk (4) TREK [Hidden Clue - cenTRE Kicks]
9 Time parent goes to the specialist department (6) MOMENT [MOM (Parent) + ENT (Specialist Dept)]
10 Cleverly I re-used what was left behind (7) RESIDUE [Anag of I RE USED]
13 Kind of hospital where deliveries are taken care of (9) OBSTETRIC [Direct Clue]
14 The medical man is behind the sketch (5) DRAFT [DR(Medical Man) + AFTer(Behind)]
15 Piece of cake — that's soft (4) EASY [Double Definition]
16 Effect a get-together with a particular pupil? (4,3,3) MEET THE EYE [Kind of Direct Clue]
19 As experienced by the unlucky sick person? (3-7) ILL FORTUNE [Direct Clue]
21 Projectiles captured from Mizoram motorcade (4) AMMO [Hidden Clue - mizorAM MOtorcade]
24 Solution the journalist identified (5) KEYED [KEY (Solution) + EDitor(Journalist)]
25 In this place 100 once went around with unity (9) COHERENCE [Anag of HERE(In this place + C(100) + ONCE)]
26 Beg the Bengali not to start an indulgence (7) ENTREAT [sEN (Bengali not started + TREAT (Indulgence))]
27 Everything good about the learner? (6) NOVICE [Double Definition - NO VICE(Everything good)]
28 Look at a big number for the starting point (4) SEED [SEE(Look) + D(Big Roman Number)]
29 Cautiously uses married men (8) HUSBANDS [CVasi : Cautiously uses - husbands (as in 'to husband the resources')married men - such as you and me!]
2 They don't think much of others (7) EGOISTS [Direct Clue]
3 The general, embarrassed, looked obliquely (6) LEERED [General LEE + RED(Embarassed)]
4 Block soap no good but right enough (9) DETERRENT [CVasi : Actually it is substitution clue.Take 'detergent' and in it use R instead of GNow for details - Block - def for req word DETERRENTsoap - detergentno good - delete G from 'detergent'but - connectorright enough - sub. R for GYou get DETERRENT]
5 Guy, rising, in charge of architectural order (5) DORIC [Anag of ROD + IC, Someone Explain??]
7 A princess in charge may beam (7) RADIATE [CVasi : Container/contained clueA - Aprincess _ Di 9for Diana)in - containercharge - (n.) RATEmay - connectorbeam - (v.) RADIATE]
8 Was conversant with details of operation: somehow whets keen PRO (4,3,5) KNEW THE ROPES [Anag of WHETS KEEN PRO]
11 System of medicine, faddish, not starting to show results (6) SIDDHA [Anag of fADDISH (not starting so no F)]
12 Nostalgia: dosen't one get it in a hospital? (4,8) HOME SICKNESS [Direct Clue??]
17 Child labour? (4,5) TINY HANDS [Direct Clue]
18 Not bad, that is a treat (6) GOODIE [Not bad is GOOD + I.E. is that is]
20 Outfit for newborn infant still in delayed transit (7) LAYETTE [Delayed is LATE and still is YET so LA YET TE]
22 Threatened people on one spot to a degree (7) MENACED [MEN(people) + ACE(Spot) + D(degree)]
23 Finer points about four in unending ordeal (6) TRIVIA [ordeal is TRIAL, unending would make it TRIA and four in roman numerals is IV so IV in TRIA would give us TRIVIA - My Clue of the Day]
25 Grab Tom in church (5) CATCH [Tom- CAT + CH - Church]