1 Easygoing description of `dial'? (4-4)
5 Indifference to expectorated matter (6)
9 Overspread U.F. fuses inextricably (7)
10 Bear sort of corona round Chandra's head (7)
11 Char civil as well as honourable (9)
12 Injunction about southern joint (5)
13 Spoil, we hear, a musical instrument (4)
14 World leaders tightfisted and ruthless (9)
17 Support ethic propounded by visionary (9)
19 Disappointment over Oriental guy (4)
23 Conceal or report a news story (5)
24 Girl gives little weight to the right broadcaster (9)
25 Fan to choose to be in the river (7)
26 Raincoat, for example, to last longer (7)
27 A student has a chaotic duel to cite (6)
28 Niece, men reassembling with distinction (8)
1 If a passenger doesn't respond to this, he will become a "no show" (4,4)
2 Wreak punishment, perhaps (7)
3 Cruel Shakespearean character leaves you and me to the young boy (6)
4 Trading event that should make room for new stock (9,4)
6 Literary drudgery for publishers (4-4)
7 Note proposal for some mental suffering (7)
8 Very little time (6)
10 Where the host will meet the guests (9,4)
15 Trip is reorganised; the journalist is zippy (8)
16 Restorer, convulsed, bent backwards (8)
18 Bringing again an evangelistic event (7)
20 Relative the worker almost soiled (7)
21 An accountant to raise help in former French colony in Canada (6)
22 It may be pushed with electrifying effect (6)